Drawmaker Express - taking bowls software into the 21st century
Drawmaker Express contains the best parts of the original Drawmaker software, sold to over 150 bowling clubs, plus many more new and exciting features.
Free Demo software
Find out if Drawmaker Express will meet your Club needs by downloading a free demo.
Promotional discounts available
Receive a promotional discount of 10% on all Drawmaker products purchased.
This discount is available to clubs who previously received a promotional code on a demo flyer or via email from Easyuse Systems P/L. Conditions apply.
How much does it cost?
The price you pay depends on the options you select.
Click here for a price check and a free written quote.
Software License
The software is licensed to the Bowling Club that purchases Drawmaker Express, (registered club).
The software can be installed on multiple computers provided the software is used solely for events run by the registered club.
Any variation to this arrangement is a breach of the license agreement.
How do I purchase Drawmaker Express?
Click here to place an online order and download an invoice.
All software available through easy to use menus
Access online Help by pressing F1 anytime
Save all event details to their own folder for easy access at a later date
Set green details to either numeric or alphabetic - with up to 12 rinks per green
Export draws for importing into spreadsheet packages
Access a computerised scoring module - scoring for first 2 games is free
All bowler and team names are stored in a database for easy access for inclusion into any event
Phone and email addresses can be stored in the database for easy access
Run events of up to 9 games on 8 greens
All reporting is consistent with Windows based products, including the ability to save reports as PDF's for emailing to club members
Team names can be changed or added, even after a draw has been produced
Draw statistical reports can show details of any club or rink duplication
All names printed in first name + surname or surname + first name order
Import names and contact details into the bowler database from club spreadsheets and databases
Generate random selections for up to 128 teams over 28 games
Backup & restore from 'the cloud', including iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive and other cloud based storage systems
A Log file is created so you can view changes that have been made to an event's draw over a period of time
Automatic checking for updates everytime you start Drawmaker Express
Copyright Easyuse Systems P/L 2025. All rights reserved.
Website design by Kirk Beard.